61.   And Fox will eventually be characterized as a full-fledged network and pay full fees to writers, rather than a discounted rate reserved for new companies.

62.   Benefits offered to manufacturers in include discounted rates for advertising in the local media and on the Internet.

63.   Dr Lim said that palm oil producers have agreed to sell palm oil to cooking oil manufacturers at a discounted rate for the domestic market.

64.   He explained that hotels gave guests who made reservations through travel agents and walk-in guests different discounted rates.

65.   In addition to a free night, passengers will be offered discounted rates for subsequent nights.

66.   Maine would then use the rebate money to reimburse pharmacies for selling drugs at a discounted rate to patients.

67.   Look for local and long distance service providers that offer discounted rates or unlimited calls for a set price.

68.   MCI is offering customers on calling plans specially discounted rates as an inducement to call Cuba.

69.   M-C-I is offering customers on calling plans specially discounted rates as an inducement to call Cuba.

70.   Mercata pools the buying power of consumers and businesses into groups that can then buy goods at discounted rates.

a. + rate >>共 628
higher 15.00%
lower 9.63%
high 4.45%
low 3.67%
jobless 2.06%
german 2.03%
short-term 1.90%
rising 1.81%
highest 1.64%
fixed 1.40%
discounted 0.41%
discounted + n. >>共 162
price 21.29%
rate 13.12%
fare 5.79%
ticket 4.77%
drug 2.73%
loan 1.87%
goods 1.53%
merchandise 1.53%
share 1.36%
room 1.19%
每页显示:    共 77