61.   Pennsylvania Reps. Robert Walker and George Gekas make public their financial disclosure forms.

62.   Prior to the deposition and afterward, however, DeLay filed financial disclosure forms with Congress listing himself as chairman of the company.

63.   Prosecutors say the contribution was never properly reported by the Clinton campaign on its state disclosure form.

64.   Please complete the enclosed disclosure forms and return them at your convenience.

65.   Port and his colleagues at APBnews.com requested the disclosure forms last fall.

66.   Reached later, court spokesmen could not document any instances in which disclosure forms had been used to harm a judge.

67.   Rep. Curt Weldon, D-Delaware County, releases his financial disclosure form.

68.   Rep. Gary Franks, R-Waterbury, files his personal financial disclosure form.

69.   Saez has refused to say how much money he has raised, but he has not filed required financial disclosure forms with the state.

70.   She noted that donations from his personal funds are much harder to track, because he does not have to detail them in disclosure forms.

n. + form >>共 973
application 7.58%
peak 4.04%
tax 3.72%
disclosure 3.40%
consent 3.21%
order 2.87%
census 2.79%
registration 2.73%
pill 1.93%
entry 1.93%
disclosure + n. >>共 83
requirement 19.77%
form 16.20%
rule 12.24%
statement 9.82%
law 7.65%
report 5.99%
document 2.42%
standard 2.04%
policy 1.91%
bill 1.66%
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