61.   National was in dire need of modernization.

62.   News that could be viewed as a glass half-full was seen as a sign of one in dire need of a refill.

63.   Not that a multimillion-dollar salary earner is in dire need of perks, but in this case the rich certainly get richer.

64.   Other conservatives, though, question whether the lengthening lines reflect dire need.

65.   People lined up for Red Cross provisions and said they were in dire need of fresh drinking water and medicine.

66.   Perry, said Sanchez, is the one in dire need of a clue.

67.   Rather, someone who is called on only when the offense has fizzled and the team is in dire need of a rescue.

68.   Pressed to prove you can deliver for the majority, it is only human to shut out the even more dire needs of the minority.

69.   Rodriguez said the airports are in dire need of investment.

70.   Sad-faced panhandlers seem to be everywhere, many with a story or hand-scribbled sign that speaks of dire need or misfortune.

a. + need >>共 916
urgent 6.47%
special 4.85%
desperate 4.38%
basic 3.33%
dire 3.21%
immediate 2.43%
pressing 2.38%
financial 1.92%
medical 1.66%
humanitarian 1.51%
dire + n. >>共 185
consequence 16.01%
need 15.46%
warning 9.62%
prediction 7.73%
situation 4.50%
strait 3.79%
circumstance 2.52%
condition 2.44%
poverty 2.29%
forecast 1.81%
每页显示:    共 195