61.   Apart from France, other dialogue partners to the forum are Britain, Canada, China, Japan, the United States, the European Union and South Korea.

62.   ASEAN asked its seven dialogue partners to increase commerce and investment but repeated warnings against linking such issues as labour standards, human rights and environmental protection to trade.

63.   ASEAN-CCI is a dialogue partner of AEM.

64.   ASEAN comprises Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, while its three dialogue partners are China, Japan and South Korea.

65.   ASEAN dialogue partners are Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, India, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, South Korea and the United States.

66.   ASEAN Thursday wound up annual talks with its external dialogue partners on issues ranging from general security concerns to specific economic agreements.

67.   Before the meeting opened, Ibrahim said ASEAN senior officials had agreed to make China a main dialogue partner.

68.   Burma is attending the forum for the first time as an observer, before full participation as a dialogue partner.

69.   Canada, though not an ASEAN member, will be participating in the Jakarta meetings as a dialogue partner to the regional grouping.

70.   China last year was upgraded to full dialogue partner with ASEAN which will allow it to attend ASEAN ministerial level meetings from this year.

n. + partner >>共 395
coalition 23.47%
business 16.46%
trade 5.08%
merger 4.11%
law 2.77%
dialogue 2.66%
double 2.55%
sex 2.37%
minority 1.80%
peace 1.80%
dialogue + n. >>共 71
partner 33.56%
box 17.63%
session 7.46%
process 4.41%
going 2.37%
table 2.37%
scene 2.03%
coach 1.69%
forum 1.36%
change 1.02%
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