61.   Many developing economies are in recession or on the brink of a downturn.

62.   OECD has experience with developed countries and Unctad has background from its work with developing economies.

63.   Russia was forced to devalue the ruble and default on some debts last August when Russia was hit by the global crisis in developing economies.

64.   South Africa has weathered the financial storm better than many other developing economies, Manuel has said.

65.   The companies included in the U.S. trade mission to India possess the expertise that the developing Indian economy needs, the visiting U.S. commerce secretary said Tuesday.

66.   The already uneven playing field will become less level for the developing economies if a multilateral organisation like the IMF allows itself to be used by the powerful West.

67.   The floods head a list of natural catastrophes that have long plagued this nation, encumbering its developing economy and bringing untold suffering to a fifth of mankind.

68.   The four points above show that the politics of a developing national economy has given rise to a burden, which has eventually worsened economic development.

69.   The Government seeks to overcome the problems of massive debts and deficits, which are a major burden on all developing economies, by innovative and revolutionary steps.

70.   The marcoeconomic fundamentals which have helped propel the developing economies to Tiger and Cub status continue to be sound with balanced budgets and high savings rates ruling the day.

a. + economy >>共 567
global 4.44%
slowing 4.17%
japanese 3.91%
strong 3.15%
asian 2.99%
local 2.91%
american 2.43%
new 2.41%
national 2.03%
booming 1.98%
developing 0.38%
developing + n. >>共 639
nation 26.97%
world 17.86%
economy 2.51%
market 2.31%
technology 1.71%
software 1.03%
weapon 0.94%
fetus 0.83%
storm 0.77%
drug 0.77%
每页显示:    共 87