61.   But when Piccolo develops cancer, Sayers can do little more than watch helplessly.

62.   Causes gastritis, peptic ulcer and possibly increasing risk of developing stomach cancer.

63.   Children who develop cancer tend to develop it deeper in the body in blood or lymph tissues, in bone, or in organs like the brain or kidneys.

64.   Cigarette smoking significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer among a small fraction of women who carry a genetic disposition for the disease, scientists reported Tuesday.

65.   Doctors have known for a long time that breast cancer runs in families, but not every family member will develop cancer.

66.   Doctors cannot eliminate the possibility of developing breast cancer because some tissue is always left behind.

67.   Early this year, they learned she had developed cancer, and she died a few days before his arrest.

68.   Even closer at hand is a possible cancer cure, or a test that tells which embryos are prone to develop cancer prematurely.

69.   Even for the thousands of young women who develop cervical cancer each year, there are now treatments that can preserve their fertility.

70.   Even negative biopsies may increase risk, researchers say, because the need for them may reflect an underlying problem linked to the tendency to develop cancer.

v. + cancer >>共 257
have 23.82%
cause 11.88%
develop 6.61%
prevent 5.38%
fight 4.81%
battle 4.70%
treat 3.68%
detect 3.45%
get 3.39%
diagnose 2.08%
develop + n. >>共 1095
technology 2.67%
plan 2.27%
product 2.16%
system 2.13%
drug 2.06%
software 1.81%
program 1.80%
weapon 1.54%
reputation 1.53%
cancer 1.38%
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