61.   He is awaiting a deportation hearing.

62.   He returned to Canada in September and was ordered to face a deportation hearing.

63.   If the government wins the appeal, Nemsila will once again face a deportation hearing.

64.   It was unclear whether he would face a federal deportation hearing.

65.   Kalejs avoided a deportation hearing by leaving the country, but then was arrested a year ago as he tried to come back into Canada.

66.   Last August, a Federal Court judge ruled that Nemsila should face a deportation hearing.

67.   Lawmakers on Tuesday urged the elimination of a law that allows the Immigration and Naturalization Service to use secret evidence in deportation hearings.

68.   MONTREAL -- Leon Mugesera, a former Rwandan government official accused of inciting genocide against Tutsis, was freed from custody pending a deportation hearing.

69.   Sandhu is being held without bond by the INS pending deportation hearings.

70.   Sekhon made the request to U.S. Immigration Judge Robert Vinikoor in a deportation hearing conducted by telephone Monday afternoon.

n. + hearing >>共 377
court 18.81%
confirmation 8.74%
bail 4.95%
extradition 4.34%
arbitration 4.17%
impeachment 3.88%
appeal 2.94%
bond 2.65%
committee 2.50%
detention 2.38%
deportation 2.26%
deportation + n. >>共 73
order 26.86%
proceeding 19.43%
hearing 16.43%
case 4.24%
procedure 3.71%
process 2.83%
law 1.59%
center 1.59%
rule 1.41%
train 1.24%
每页显示:    共 92