61.   This helpful quiz offers useful advice on the cosmetic and health aspects of dental care, and even foods that can actually reduce your risk of cavities.

62.   Three and sometimes four days a week, dental clinics are held at schools in rural areas and small towns where dental care is not available.

63.   To attract employees, they pay for expensive extra benefits like drugs, eyeglasses and dental care, at least at first.

64.   To begin with, wartime rigors, combined with bad prewar dental care, cost Selver all his front teeth.

65.   We have medical services, food and dental care.

66.   What one local orthodontist calls the ABCs of dental care -- alignment, bleaching and cleaning -- are by no means the domain of children.

67.   With just one tooth remaining, she clearly suffered from a serious lack of dental care common among poor people of her time.

68.   Yet dental care tends to rank high among the benefits employees want, said Mike Sass, a New York-based principal with the benefits consulting firm.

69.   Without regular dental care, dogs can develop inflamed and infected gums.

70.   A page called DentalNet, run by two Austin dentists, gives visitors dental care tips and allows them to make appointments.

a. + care >>共 694
medical 20.57%
managed 14.35%
foster 6.06%
long-term 3.09%
patient 2.93%
great 2.17%
home 1.90%
prenatal 1.83%
emergency 1.78%
special 1.76%
dental 0.89%
dental + n. >>共 213
record 16.04%
care 7.39%
work 5.46%
school 3.27%
surgery 3.19%
treatment 2.94%
office 2.43%
problem 2.43%
appointment 2.10%
practice 1.93%
每页显示:    共 87