61.   During a week of protests, demonstrators have thrown stones and firebombs at police.

62.   Earlier Wednesday, Protestant demonstrators threw fireworks at Catholic parents going to pick up their daughters from Holy Cross Primary School.

63.   Five people were injured Friday as demonstrators threw rocks and pieces of wood at the police.

64.   Four reporters and three cameramen were hospitalized with injuries from rocks thrown by demonstrators or caused by police beatings.

65.   He denied that demonstrators threw flammable devices at the navy.

66.   In Istanbul, demonstrators threw red carnations into the sea in memory of the dead.

67.   In Nazareth and Tira, demonstrators threw stones at passing cars, Israel radio said.

68.   In Cyprus, some demonstrators threw stones at the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia.

69.   In Rome, demonstrators threw bottles, fruit, dirt and trash.

70.   In the capital, Jakarta, demonstrators threw rocks and chunks of wood at police protecting the presidential palace.

n. + throw >>共 1159
protester 3.75%
judge 3.73%
court 3.48%
demonstrator 2.88%
fan 2.74%
man 2.33%
people 2.16%
youth 2.16%
pitcher 2.14%
student 1.89%
demonstrator + v. >>共 528
be 4.34%
throw 3.92%
say 3.34%
burn 3.08%
march 2.83%
protest 2.58%
demand 2.52%
try 2.02%
gather 1.99%
block 1.96%
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