61.   Dicker, meanwhile, said Belgrade had done nothing since early April to demonstrate any commitment to real cooperation with the tribunal.

62.   Downer said the U.S. action demonstrated its commitment to the region.

63.   French Foreign Minister Herve de Charette indicated Wednesday that warmer relations would be reserved for when Kabila demonstrates a commitment to elections.

64.   Gorriz said his company was against doping and announced various measures to demonstrate its commitment.

65.   He added that his refusal to postpone the first meeting, despite the travel difficulties for some delegates, demonstrated his commitment to a Palestinian state.

66.   He scrubbed a toilet on his hands and knees to demonstrate his commitment to cleaning up City Hall.

67.   He said France had now demonstrated a commitment to nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

68.   In a welcoming speech, Porbeni said the evacuation demonstrated the commitment of his government to protect Nigerians wherever they might be.

69.   Ireland has demonstrated its commitment to peace most powerfully, of course, in the efforts to end the violence in Northern Ireland.

70.   It awards prizes annually to two candidates who have demonstrated their commitment to human rights protection, pluralist democracy and Euro-African solidarity.

v. + commitment >>共 427
make 17.53%
reaffirm 5.74%
have 5.31%
meet 3.40%
honor 3.25%
reiterate 2.97%
fulfill 2.87%
demonstrate 2.49%
show 2.16%
keep 2.04%
demonstrate + n. >>共 844
ability 3.80%
commitment 3.36%
support 2.85%
need 2.41%
willingness 2.31%
skill 1.70%
technique 1.36%
importance 1.19%
power 1.19%
leadership 1.02%
每页显示:    共 98