61.   Democrats in favor of gun control accused their opponents of orchestrating a charade by first weakening the bill and then preparing to vote against it.

62.   Democrats accused Bush of catering to the growing bloc of Hispanic voters.

63.   Democrats are accusing President Bush of neglecting education programs in an effort to make room for his tax cut.

64.   Democrats have accused Bush of being unable to speak coherently.

65.   Democrats have accused Watts of breaking his pledge to not serve more than three terms in the House and produced a document showing his support of term limits.

66.   Democrats will probably accuse Republicans of hurting education, even though the GOP proposes spending more than this year.

67.   Democrats accuse Harris, a Republican who campaigned for Bush, of delaying and confusing the counties as they tried to comply with Democratic requests to recount.

68.   Democrats accuse Harris, a Republican who campaigned for Bush, of delaying and confusing the counties as they tried to comply with their requests to recount.

69.   Democrats accused House Republican leaders Wednesday of bowing to financial interests in Enron-inspired legislation to tighten oversight of the U.S. accounting industry and corporate disclosure rules.

70.   Democrats accused Lott of trying to strong-arm them and prevent them from offering such amendments.

n. + accuse >>共 475
official 7.02%
government 6.69%
group 5.89%
critic 4.49%
side 4.03%
leader 3.19%
authority 2.69%
opposition 2.18%
rebel 2.17%
party 2.01%
democrat 0.85%
democrat + v. >>共 531
say 14.37%
be 7.43%
want 3.38%
have 3.03%
accuse 2.21%
argue 2.04%
hope 1.96%
complain 1.94%
contend 1.59%
try 1.44%
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