61.   Blic said a three-member Serb delegation will meet with an ethnic Albanian one ahead of the talks.

62.   Blic said a three-member Serb delegation will meet with an ethnic Albanian group ahead of the talks.

63.   Bosnian officials said no full delegation would meet with him while fighting continued in the Bihac region.

64.   Congressional delegation meets Karzai, promises long-term U.S.

65.   During its three-day stay in Lima, the delegation met with journalists, politicians and editors.

66.   During a four-day visit to Beijing, his delegation met with Premier Li Peng, trade minister Wu Yi and other top leaders.

67.   During its visit to South Africa, the U.N. delegation met an alliance of Congolese groups pushing for more talks on the makeup of an inclusive transitional government.

68.   During their tour, the delegation met with heads of state in the troubled region to discuss the future of U.S. and NATO policy there.

69.   Four Afghan delegations have been meeting in Koenigswinter since Tuesday discussing a post-Taliban administration and security.

70.   French President Jacques Chirac suggested the EU foreign ministers send a delegation to meet with Sharon and Arafat to try to stop the escalation.

n. + meet >>共 946
official 6.40%
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two 3.53%
end 3.22%
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group 2.33%
committee 2.31%
minister 2.23%
delegation 1.87%
delegation + v. >>共 442
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meet 7.46%
visit 6.53%
arrive 5.45%
include 4.96%
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say 2.39%
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hold 1.82%
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