61.   But some economists warn that the burst of spending overshot strict deficit targets set by the International Monetary Fund.

62.   Central bank managing director Amando Tetangco said the failure to meet the first-quarter budget deficit target may delay disbursement.

63.   Despite a wider-than-expected budget gap in the first five months, the government believes it will meet its deficit target.

64.   Germany will miss the deficit target for entry into the European single currency this year, a leading economic research institute said Wednesday.

65.   He also noted that the Maastricht Treaty allowed deviations from the budget deficit targets.

66.   He got an additional boost Friday when France and Italy said they also met the deficit target.

67.   Heavy military spending, a stalled privatization program and mounting losses at key state corporations are seen as the key reasons for missing the deficit target.

68.   If the whole disinvestment package is finally pushed through, the possibilty of missing the fiscal deficit target can be fully ruled out.

69.   In the statement, Madrid committed itself to stick to tough inflation and deficit targets for the next two years.

70.   It is quite possible that the fiscal deficit target will be higher than the budget estimate amount.

n. + target >>共 472
inflation 4.52%
growth 4.20%
deficit 4.15%
guerrilla 4.01%
acquisition 3.97%
government 3.79%
reduction 3.33%
budget 2.51%
emission 2.37%
price 2.24%
deficit + n. >>共 171
reduction 25.81%
target 10.12%
hawk 6.12%
problem 3.78%
figure 3.45%
disorder 3.34%
budget 2.67%
plan 2.67%
limit 2.56%
cut 1.56%
每页显示:    共 90