61.   The weapons, still in good condition, will be handed to the joint new national defence force combining former government and RENAMO troops.

62.   Those prospects had already been damaged by a recent operation by the PNG defence force to flush rebels from central Bougainville.

63.   Unidentified gunmen shot and wounded Lt.-Gen. Lagos Lidimo, the joint commander of the Mozambican defence force, the official AIM news agency reported Sunday.

64.   Toyama has been dishonorably discharged from the defence forces.

65.   Various suggestions include Quebec retaining the Canadian dollar as its currency, Canada and Quebec sharing joint defence forces, and even a parliamentary assembly linking the two countries.

66.   Under white rule, the defence force relied on conscription of whites to provide sufficient manpower, a system that was scrapped with the transition to democracy.

67.   Washington hopes to have the Moslem-Croat defence force operational before NATO start leaving Bosnia at the end of the year.

68.   It also calls for the demobilisation of the two rival armies under UN supervision and the formation of a single joint defence force.

69.   Kabila, in turn, acquired the assistance of four foreign defence forces.

70.   Modise warned that the government would no longer tolerate breaches of discipline by the former soldiers of the liberation armies currently being integrated into the defence force.

n. + force >>共 195
security 40.41%
government 15.32%
peace 4.96%
rebel 4.75%
opposition 3.60%
ground 2.82%
market 2.30%
reaction 2.17%
labor 1.48%
coalition 1.31%
defence 0.46%
defence + n. >>共 331
ministry 17.96%
minister 14.63%
lawyer 7.12%
official 5.38%
spokesman 4.94%
source 4.51%
force 2.43%
counsel 2.13%
industry 1.43%
system 1.31%
每页显示:    共 94