61.   The incident at the holy site underscored the deep distrust and hostility between Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem, a city both peoples claim as their capital.

62.   The party also plays on the deep distrust of government officials and politicians, widely seen as corrupt operators whose squabbling has blocked economic improvement.

63.   The new settlement decision came at a time of deep distrust between Israel and the Palestinians.

64.   There is deep distrust on both sides.

65.   They have differences, deep distrust, even hatred.

66.   Together they are to form one of two entities in the new Bosnia, but deep distrust remains.

67.   While Mrs. Kumaratunga says she is committed to peace, the temporary truce indicated that there still remained a deep distrust of each other by both sides.

68.   One friend he did make in the army was Terry Nichols, who shared with McVeigh his deep distrust of the government.

a. + distrust >>共 119
mutual 18.44%
deep 17.66%
public 6.49%
growing 5.19%
lingering 3.12%
widespread 2.86%
strong 2.08%
deep-seated 1.56%
popular 1.30%
profound 1.30%
deep + n. >>共 742
breath 6.38%
cut 3.86%
concern 2.26%
division 2.08%
trouble 1.87%
water 1.79%
discount 1.52%
root 1.50%
recession 1.26%
snow 1.14%
distrust 0.67%
每页显示:    共 68