61.   Some economists said the data indicated the Federal Reserve had accomplished its short-term goal of propping up consumer spending to carry the economy through its slowdown.

62.   Such data may indicate that some Medicaid patients are being discharged prematurely or are not receiving the after-care services they need to stay out of the hospital.

63.   That data indicated that deaths attributed to oxycodone products also grew during that period.

64.   The census data also indicated that sprawl intruded upon the ways Americans lived and worked.

65.   The better news is that the situation for those on the lower rungs of the ladder is probably better than the reported data indicate.

66.   The data also indicates that more educational efforts need to be targeted at males, because they are most often the perpetrators in such killings, Tilton said.

67.   The data indicated a slowing pace of business activity, said Donald Fine, chief market analyst for Chase Securities.

68.   The data indicated that populations of several species were declining.

69.   The data only indicate when someone is having an emotional response, Repin said, not what emotion they are experiencing.

70.   The data so far indicate that patients that have the procedure have shorter hospital stays and recovery periods.

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