61.   Espionage charges are leveled even more often by the Cuban government against U.S. diplomats assigned to the U.S. interests section in Havana.

62.   Eig and another attorney for the relatives, Linda Osberg-Braun, suggested that Juan Gonzalez was acting under duress from the Cuban government.

63.   Even when evidence has been strong, federal prosecutors in southern Florida have rarely charged Cuban exiles with plotting against the Cuban government.

64.   Finca Vigia, now owned by the Cuban government, remains almost exactly as Hemingway left it.

65.   For a Cuban player to play for a United States team without defecting, the Cuban government and Major League Baseball would have to reach an agreement on pay.

66.   For its part, the Cuban government has consistently rejected any suggestion that it has taken reprisals against returnees.

67.   For its part, the Cuban government has in the past limited its contacts with exile groups to those consistently critical of American policy.

68.   For its part, the Cuban government has offered its own site since January.

69.   For the Cuban government, especially the ministries and state companies that are providing services for the papal visit, the influx has already yielded a financial windfall.

70.   For example, he said church leaders were consulted in December before the Cuban government announced the reinstatement of Christmas as an official holiday.

a. + government >>共 549
federal 8.18%
new 5.93%
local 3.51%
bosnian 3.49%
japanese 2.41%
state 2.17%
israeli 2.00%
british 1.96%
chinese 1.85%
russian 1.85%
cuban 0.67%
cuban + n. >>共 890
government 9.23%
exile 7.19%
official 6.62%
leader 4.27%
refugee 3.17%
authority 2.65%
team 2.11%
cigar 1.98%
people 1.70%
airspace 1.69%
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