61.   Kelly faced the crushing blow with dignity and a month later retained his world title as Rousseau and the other two medalists from Atlanta missed the world championships.

62.   The crushing blow was a singles loss to former factory worker Costantino Rocca, which took the steam out of an American rally and resulted in another European victory.

63.   The devaluation was a crushing blow for businesses and individuals who had taken out loans denominated in dollars or German marks.

64.   The poll result is widely tipped to deliver a crushing blow to the former Communists, who were ousted after prolonged street protests in January.

65.   Their rebuilding plan was dealt a crushing blow this past summer when they were spurned by the major free agents on the market.

66.   There was marshal music and soldiers in camouflage outfits who dealt crushing blows with flailing fists and feet against supposed enemies.

67.   There was martial music and there were soldiers in camouflage outfits who dealt crushing blows with flailing fists and feet against supposed enemies.

68.   It was a crushing blow to Ireland who had promised a running game driven by their new half-back pairing of David Humphreys and Niall Hogan.

69.   The news comes as a crushing blow to Newcastle boss Kenny Dalglish as he prepares for a two-pronged challenge for honours.

70.   The war was a crushing blow to Jordan, which also lost the West Bank to Israel and had to cope with a new influx of Palestinian refugees.

a. + blow >>共 383
major 7.66%
severe 5.34%
serious 5.31%
big 4.70%
final 3.83%
latest 3.25%
fatal 2.87%
devastating 2.61%
heavy 2.48%
further 2.45%
crushing 2.32%
crushing + n. >>共 246
defeat 15.11%
blow 9.89%
debt 4.40%
loss 4.26%
disappointment 3.16%
victory 3.02%
poverty 2.61%
burden 1.92%
soybean 1.65%
election 1.51%
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