61.   Just as at a critical moment Adolf Hitler embodied the frustrations and aspirations of millions of Germans, Pinochet led Chile along a path that many wanted.

62.   More than two decades after the mass slaughter in Cambodia, a critical moment is at hand in a long-overdue attempt to bring the killers to justice.

63.   Most of the process leading up to the critical moment of tornado genesis is well understood.

64.   Moreover, Washington is concerned that South Korea not appear weak at a critical moment in negotiations with the North.

65.   Nobody has his ability to act decisively at critical moments in Russian politics.

66.   Never regarded as a gifted orator, Bush has repeatedly surprised critics by delivering powerful speeches at critical moments.

67.   Now, at a critical moment, Clinton has decided to put that influence behind a serious peace plan.

68.   Often, Ward was left in games during the critical moments of the fourth quarter.

69.   One page records critical moments in the flight.

70.   One reason he came and went was that the most powerful figures in the federal government called upon him at critical moments.

a. + moment >>共 711
last 5.63%
defining 2.21%
brief 2.00%
final 1.78%
critical 1.61%
right 1.55%
rare 1.44%
crucial 1.34%
very 1.30%
great 1.27%
critical + n. >>共 1206
condition 26.79%
issue 2.54%
time 2.30%
role 1.76%
moment 1.72%
factor 1.19%
question 1.19%
report 1.13%
acclaim 1.01%
part 1.00%
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