61.   Also, critics said the small-comet theory is a stretch for many reasons.

62.   Although a similar bill failed last year, this time even the critics say the idea has a real chance of passing.

63.   Also, critics say, the new skates offer a short cut to athletes whose techniques are, well, slipshod.

64.   Although critics say no authorities exercise control over the Bureau of Reclamation, the bureau itself it has little influence over its irrigation districts.

65.   Although Dole has denied personal knowledge of either scheme, critics said the violations suggest a pattern.

66.   Although many hospitals technically offer abortions, they do so in ways that make them inaccessible or unattractive to the women who need them, critics say.

67.   Although Orbitz claims it will remain a neutral travel marketplace, critics say airline giants will use the site to undercut competitors online and off-line.

68.   Although some critics say that the court seem to be turning more critical, that is not necessarily so.

69.   Although the bureau subsequently instituted measures to prevent large-scale adoptions and adoptions for slaughter, critics said these efforts were ineffective.

70.   Although scores of nations recognized dual nationality, critics say the status for Mexicans living in the United States will further slow their assimilation into U.S. society.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
critic 1.04%
critic + v. >>共 364
say 36.99%
be 4.71%
accuse 3.59%
argue 3.20%
charge 3.06%
call 2.92%
contend 2.84%
complain 2.28%
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