61.   Now, some critics fear the government will push through an anti-subversion law, to clamp down on Falun Gong.

62.   Some critics fear that the big companies could try to cut back their news departments, one of their largest expenses.

63.   Some critics fear that some attorneys general will be too deferential, ceding too much control to private lawyers with a financial stake in the talks.

64.   Some critics fear the line between medicine and candy may be blurred with medicated chewable tablets.

65.   Some critics fear the nonmerit-based scholarship for beginning freshmen sets up academically unprepared students for failure in college.

66.   The agreement faces opposition in Congress, where critics fear it would be too taxing to American businesses.

67.   The critics fear that although The Sentinel says it will not publish the pictures, they will end up on the Internet.

68.   Which is exactly what critics fear.

69.   With their overall economy strong, for instance, officials did not reduce state spending as critics feared they would.

70.   Yet critics fear that, taken together, they will cripple a quarter-century of federal efforts to protect everything from the environment to worker safety.

n. + fear >>共 691
official 11.16%
authority 4.52%
investor 3.90%
people 3.87%
leader 2.85%
government 2.79%
police 2.66%
expert 2.60%
analyst 2.48%
critic 2.16%
critic + v. >>共 364
say 36.99%
be 4.71%
accuse 3.59%
argue 3.20%
charge 3.06%
call 2.92%
contend 2.84%
complain 2.28%
claim 1.74%
question 1.46%
fear 1.02%
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