61.   Mr Leung received a reply last month, saying the police had kept records of his criminal offences.

62.   The enforcement officers must make the public feel that littering is a criminal offence.

63.   The form asks applicants if they have been convicted of a criminal offence involving violence in the last five years.

64.   Under international law, diplomats and their families cannot be charged with criminal offences.

65.   Under the rules of the release, Law would be recalled to serve out the sentence if convicted of a criminal offence in the supervision period.

66.   He told the women that homosexuality should be treated as a criminal offence, and he called on the Zimbabwean police and civilians to arrest anyone caught practising it.

67.   Homosexual acts are a criminal offence in Zimbabwe.

68.   However the ruling did not disallow prosecution for other, criminal offences related to espionage activity.

69.   If he is convicted in Germany, where spreading Nazi propaganda is a criminal offence, he could face up to five years in jail.

70.   If Lauck is convicted in Germany where spreading Nazi propaganda is a criminal offence, he could face up to five years in jail.

a. + offence >>共 147
criminal 15.20%
serious 9.07%
second 6.77%
alleged 6.64%
bookable 6.26%
similar 4.21%
same 4.21%
first 3.32%
sexual 3.19%
minor 3.19%
criminal + n. >>共 302
charge 15.23%
investigation 9.00%
record 7.00%
case 6.89%
activity 3.88%
trial 3.42%
prosecution 3.34%
gang 2.72%
complaint 2.21%
act 1.96%
offence 0.78%
每页显示:    共 118