61.   It will be a quantum leap from Boston Garden, R.I.P. Fans actually will be able to watch a game without craning their necks.

62.   Like a lot of first-time visitors to New York City, Steve McNair craned his neck to look up at the soaring buildings.

63.   Later, as we ride out to the airport, the girls crane their necks for last glimpses of streets full of Sunday strollers.

64.   Meanwhile, Bullard spies a rental car lot stocked with Porches and Ferraris and cranes his neck to get a better look.

65.   Many stories below, downtown Miami cranes its neck to watch.

66.   Necks are craned.

67.   Necks were craned, and people rose onto tiptoes, but there was no pushing and shoving.

68.   No need to crane your neck or tie up your hand.

69.   On one recent evening, thousands of people craned their necks to watch.

70.   One of the tots stood up and craned his neck to see what triplets were.

v. + neck >>共 219
crane 16.27%
break 12.23%
stick_out 5.94%
hurt 2.38%
strain 2.38%
injure 2.14%
twist 1.90%
slash 1.90%
snap 1.54%
grab 1.54%
crane + n. >>共 7
neck 87.26%
head 9.55%
ear 0.64%
look 0.64%
mouth 0.64%
nexks 0.64%
stand 0.64%
每页显示:    共 136