61.   Chief lobbyist Jim Baker said the court action is an end run around the legislative process, and that it is being pushed by lawyers looking to get rich.

62.   Dow Corning lawyer Richard Sheehy objected to the emergency hearing called by Schneider and said he would fight further court action as a violation of freedom of expression.

63.   Duke Power Co. Southern Co. and Entergy Corp. are seeking court action to bar the Tennessee Valley Authority from selling electricity outside of the southeastern U.S.

64.   Dumitru Moceanu said all along he has feared that the people around her, like Huggins, were influencing her to take these court actions.

65.   Each is named in the court action Morales filed Tuesday.

66.   Eurotunnel, which operates the Channel Tunnel linking Britain and France, last June brought a court action against the French ferry company SNAT for unfair competition.

67.   Former counsel to the state Republican Committee, Spargo represented Schulz and the Libertarians in a separate state court action.

68.   Gore himself took to the airwaves Monday night, defending the court action in a brief, prime-time television address.

69.   He urged LAFCO to take court action against the city.

70.   His appeal was a continuation of court action over student busing that had been going on for months.

n. + action >>共 644
court 12.78%
government 10.86%
strike 9.37%
enforcement 5.37%
protest 3.60%
libel 1.97%
labor 1.94%
floor 1.37%
committee 1.17%
year 1.11%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
action 2.58%
每页显示:    共 444