61.   Some Burundian and foreign governments say the cycle of violence in the tiny Central African nation will continue as long as the coup plotters remain unpunished.

62.   Speight, a failed businessman, is an election candidate for an indigenous Fijian nationalist party, along with fellow coup plotters Timoci Silatolu and Ilisoni Ligairi.

63.   The coup plotters gathered recently to defend their actions.

64.   The coup plotters announced Soviet President Gorbachev was ill and isolated him at a Black Sea resort.

65.   The coup plotters were supporters of the former emir, Sheik Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani.

66.   The coup plotters had given up the day before and the man they had sought to oust, reformist Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, was returned to Moscow.

67.   The coup plotters will get the same privileges as any convicted felon, and no preferential treatment, he added.

68.   The government has claimed that the alleged coup plotters were planning to abduct Than Shwe and other military officials and then take power on the anniversary.

69.   The Nigerian government announced one month ago that it would review the death and life imprisonment sentences imposed on the alleged coup plotters.

70.   The president has been criticized for giving the army a bigger role in society and appointing fellow coup plotters to top government posts.

n. + plotter >>共 13
coup 87.59%
ex-coup 2.07%
pen 2.07%
assassination 1.38%
flatbed 1.38%
army 0.69%
center 0.69%
color 0.69%
group 0.69%
right-wing 0.69%
coup + n. >>共 91
attempt 39.95%
leader 26.41%
plot 9.40%
plotter 7.85%
rumor 2.54%
bid 2.23%
supporter 0.99%
suspect 0.68%
report 0.62%
threat 0.49%
每页显示:    共 126