61.   Nine countries will send observers, including France, Austria and the former Soviet republic of Georgia.

62.   NATO countries are also sending experts.

63.   NATO countries sent waves of warplanes against Bosnian Serb targets Wednesday in its biggest and most punitive assault ever.

64.   Nine countries have sent observers.

65.   Norwegian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Gry Haaheim said Wednesday that Norway plans to work actively to get other countries not to send waste.

66.   Other countries might also send representatives to observe the polls, she added.

67.   President Daniel arap Moi said Monday that many issues must be resolved before East African countries can send forces to Burundi to prevent further ethnic violence.

68.   Several countries have sent or pledged food aid to help Indonesia cope with the food crisis.

69.   Several Muslim countries have sent planes to transport thousands of Afghan pilgrims who have been stranded for days at Kabul airport before the hajj starts.

70.   South African diplomats said their country would not send peacekeepers offered by President Thabo Mbweki to Congo until it was clear the agreement was final and working.

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