61.   It was through outlets like WEVV, the party believed, that its message could be conveyed most cleanly.

62.   Like Reagan, Bush sought to convey dual messages, summoning the imagery of World War II to convey the importance of a more current struggle.

63.   Later, however, they adopted the indirect language of parable and metaphor to convey iconoclastic messages.

64.   Many of the demonstrators are young and they hope to convey their messages in colorful street theater and music.

65.   Lott agreed that Congress should not be blamed when the White House cannot adequately convey its message.

66.   Maura and her friends use a set of codes popular among teen-agers for conveying particular messages.

67.   Nothing conveys this message more effectively than the common head butt.

68.   Now it turns out that there is another receptor, called estrogen receptor beta, through which the potent hormone can convey its message.

69.   NRA chief lobbyist Tanya Metaksa conveyed that message by telephone to House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., on Monday, said the spokesman.

70.   Oates attempted to convey that message to his left-hander afterward.

v. + message >>共 765
send 18.10%
get 6.78%
return 6.05%
deliver 5.38%
leave 3.94%
receive 3.32%
carry 2.79%
convey 2.21%
have 2.13%
take 1.84%
convey + n. >>共 457
message 14.27%
sense 7.23%
information 4.11%
impression 2.39%
concern 2.12%
idea 2.06%
feeling 2.06%
decision 1.73%
image 1.66%
emotion 1.46%
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