61.   Movies are a fairy-tale medium of everlasting sex appeal, with a contractual obligation to keep desire and death as far apart as possible.

62.   Raphael sent a copy of the first draft to his longtime agent as proof that he had met his contractual obligations and now should be paid for his efforts.

63.   Released perhaps because of contractual obligations, the film stars Joe Pesci and Danny Glover as Joe and Gus, lifelong friends joined in their single-minded love of fishing.

64.   Richardson and the Department of Energy must now find a new contractor while extricating the federal government from its contractual obligations to BNFL, which may cost millions.

65.   Stone also refused to promote the film, rejecting claims of contractual obligations to do so.

66.   The Astros asked a federal judge earlier this month to force Enron either to honor its contractual obligations to the team or forfeit the naming rights.

67.   The Dodgers have not promised players they can refuse their contractual obligation to play and still remain with the organization.

68.   The Enrichment Corp., which had no contractual obligation to buy the extra uranium, did not accept the offer.

69.   The decision, by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, said the government had broken a contractual obligation to the military retirees.

70.   The owners explained that because the basic agreement had expired, they had no contractual obligation to make such a payment.

a. + obligation >>共 331
legal 11.94%
moral 8.09%
financial 7.96%
contractual 7.44%
international 3.26%
family 2.41%
general 2.15%
religious 2.09%
social 2.02%
constitutional 1.89%
contractual + n. >>共 150
obligation 21.47%
agreement 6.40%
relationship 4.52%
dispute 4.33%
right 3.77%
arrangement 2.82%
term 2.64%
issue 2.45%
duty 2.07%
provision 1.88%
每页显示:    共 113