61.   U.S. officials have said the shells contained mere traces of plutonium, not enough to cause harm.

62.   Upper river silt still contains traces of polychlorinated biphenyls - or PCBs - and state health officials advise limiting consumption of fish from the river.

63.   In February, German health authorities warned consumers against eating a brand of prawns imported from Asia that contained traces of the antibiotic Chloramphenicol.

64.   It also requires authorities to publish reports on products considered health hazards, such as when food contains traces of antibiotics or pesticides.

65.   An earlier report on public radio here said a car belonging to the Canadian embassy was found to contain traces of explosive material.

66.   The two Russians were then required to supply urine tests following the blood tests and these were found to contain traces of darbepoetin similar to the case of Muhlegg.

67.   Two would-be Chinese drug traffickers have been sentenced to lengthy jail terms, despite the fact that the substance they were caught peddling contained no trace of narcotics.

v. + trace >>共 113
find 31.29%
show 10.82%
leave 7.02%
contain 6.53%
have 5.75%
remove 3.80%
detect 3.31%
reveal 2.14%
bear 1.75%
see 1.56%
contain + n. >>共 1282
item 3.24%
information 3.09%
provision 1.82%
material 1.66%
violence 0.89%
inflation 0.83%
explosive 0.80%
bomb 0.77%
fire 0.77%
cost 0.75%
trace 0.51%
每页显示:    共 67