61.   The bill is considered essential to narrowing the budget deficit and getting public accounts in order.

62.   The authority is considered essential to trade deals because countries are unwilling to negotiate with the United States if Congress can meddle and rewrite the deals later.

63.   The Canadian-built mechanical limb serves as a high-tech construction crane that is considered essential for the future expansion of the orbital base.

64.   The executive memorandum also made clear that the Defense Department would not have to surrender any licenses considered essential to national security, law enforcement or public safety.

65.   The hard reality of this decade is that public needs not considered absolutely essential to community welfare and efficiency probably will go unmet except by private-sector efforts.

66.   The move is considered essential to narrowing the budget deficit and getting public accounts in order.

67.   The magazine gained a pop-cultural fluency to attract the younger readers who are considered essential to the long-term survival of the newsweekly magazines.

68.   The Pentagon has stockpiled the materials because they are considered essential to a war effort.

69.   The Senate will also consider two provisions considered essential by states that have already reached settlements with cigarette manufacturers.

70.   Their turnout is considered essential to defeating Giuliani.

v. + essential >>共 15
consider 63.60%
deem 13.81%
make 8.79%
think 3.35%
call 2.51%
find 2.09%
believe 1.26%
declare 1.26%
see 0.84%
assume 0.42%
consider + a. >>共 1819
unlikely 2.67%
likely 2.56%
crucial 2.26%
important 2.22%
dangerous 2.12%
essential 1.86%
lucky 1.75%
safe 1.62%
serious 1.34%
close 1.21%
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