61.   Traveling the road at night is considered less dangerous than in the day because drivers can see the headlights of oncoming traffic.

62.   Various law enforcement agencies are looking for Mitnick, and consider him dangerous, said John Hoos, an FBI spokesman.

63.   We should investigate why these strange kids were not considered dangerous by their community.

64.   Wine and spirits, on the other hand, were considered more dangerous, and thus deserved to be labeled.

65.   Only those over six feet long are considered dangerous to humans.

66.   Police warned that Ludlam was armed and should be considered dangerous.

67.   Prisons in Israel are considered less dangerous than those in the United States.

68.   Agents accompany deportees who are considered dangerous or if the plane makes other stops or if the other country requests accompaniment.

69.   All are considered dangerous, although for different reasons.

70.   Among the animals in the tank were nurse sharks, blacktip sharks and leopard sharks, none of which the wedding organizers considered dangerous to the couple.

v. + dangerous >>共 18
consider 53.56%
make 20.43%
deem 12.07%
declare 2.79%
call 2.17%
find 2.17%
prove 1.55%
judge 0.93%
render 0.93%
think 0.93%
consider + a. >>共 1819
unlikely 2.67%
likely 2.56%
crucial 2.26%
important 2.22%
dangerous 2.12%
essential 1.86%
lucky 1.75%
safe 1.62%
serious 1.34%
close 1.21%
每页显示:    共 172