61.   Arafat also called on the international community to take advantage of the ceasefire to lobby Tel Aviv to relaunch the peace talks which have been completely abandoned.

62.   Communities would increasingly take the law into their own hands unless the authorities resolved to ensure that justice was done and was seen to be done.

63.   Despite strong Greek Cypriot objections, Denktash insists that the two communities take turns running the country.

64.   Duque said he hoped other countries would back such a government and appealed to the international community to take part in the French humanitarian mission in Rwanda.

65.   The troops are just one of the measures the international community has taken to try and help the Albanian authorities dig themselves out of their crisis.

66.   The United Nations on Wednesday called on the international community to take urgent action to prevent Burundi from slipping into all-out civil war.

67.   The US medical community is taking a new look at a therapy used in Japan to treat brain tumors, and now more US research is in the works.

68.   Until now the international community has taken the view that the Chechen insurrection is a matter for Russia.

69.   War could return to Bosnia unless the international community takes decisive action, an international watchdog headed by former US Senate leader George Mitchell has warned.

70.   Its Flemish and Francophone communities take the general view that it is better to remain separate entities in a federal union than closely-bound together in one country.

n. + take >>共 1201
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community + v. >>共 816
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