61.   When do your travel columns move?

62.   As the column moved north, Klaver saw a small boy walking back toward Srebrenica.

63.   Four Indian Army columns have moved into the area, which borders Bhutan, and launched a massive combing operation.

64.   Another column moved northwards, military sources said.

65.   Another column moved into the Oktyabrsky district in western Grozny, and fighting erupted.

66.   The troop column moved on early Monday, travelling east on the road between Baku and Rostov, escorted overhead by four helicopters, AFP correspondents reported.

n. + move >>共 1364
family 3.49%
company 2.43%
government 2.40%
price 1.97%
police 1.83%
troop 1.75%
people 1.72%
stock 1.48%
dollar 1.37%
force 1.37%
column 0.35%
column + v. >>共 299
be 18.99%
appear 8.47%
move 5.22%
resume 3.09%
allow 2.37%
have 2.29%
show 2.14%
run 1.98%
rise 1.90%
focus 1.42%
每页显示:    共 66