61.   A clergy sexual abuse scandal toppled the Fianna Fail-Labor coalition government a few weeks ago.

62.   A general election could sweep away some of the confusion surrounding the coalition government and present a clearer picture.

63.   A conservative on social issues himself, his coalition government has relied for its parliamentary majority on four independents.

64.   A meeting between Czech President Vaclav Havel and representatives of the three-party coalition government that resigned early today ended with an agreement to continue discussions in mid-December.

65.   A new election is almost certain to yield another multi-party coalition government.

66.   A Hutu leading a weak coalition government, he had denounced his own Tutsi-dominated national army for killing dozens of civilians.

67.   A new proportional representation voting system means that coalition governments are the most likely outcome of the election.

68.   A profile of the leader the U.S. thinks could help establish a postwar coalition government inside Afghanistan.

69.   A positive element for gilts is the split between the Bundesbank and the Bonn coalition government.

70.   A recently assembled coalition government has dropped its threat of vetoing the plan to allow new countries to join NATO.

n. + government >>共 501
coalition 34.22%
city 11.06%
caretaker 7.76%
unity 4.73%
apartheid 2.35%
self-rule 1.86%
member 1.67%
post-taliban 1.63%
minority 1.51%
right-wing 1.38%
coalition + n. >>共 274
government 41.50%
partner 16.80%
force 5.18%
member 4.25%
party 3.98%
leader 3.12%
talk 2.10%
troop 1.67%
agreement 1.64%
ally 1.62%
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