61.   They will also enforce existing anti-graffiti laws by seeking sentences of community service requiring violators to engage in cleanup efforts.

62.   This cleanup effort deserves the backing of the public.

63.   This routine pollution concerns some environmentalists more than anything else and points to the need for an ongoing cleanup effort.

64.   This year may be the cleanup effort.

65.   Under the proposal, companies that choose to develop these sites will be able immediately to write off the costs of their cleanup efforts from their taxes.

66.   We have more microorganisms that resist common cleanup efforts and, at the same time, more immune-compromised people susceptible to them.

67.   A fourth worker was killed during the cleanup efforts when a block fell on him.

68.   A new federal report is sharply critical of cleanup efforts at an Energy Department plant where the government is investigating why workers were exposed to toxic material.

69.   A spokesman said they wanted to help park officials and biologists in cleanup efforts.

70.   According to ITAR-Tass, the commission said poor financing and red tape have slowed down the cleanup effort.

n. + effort >>共 520
peace 14.19%
rescue 9.15%
relief 6.69%
government 4.86%
war 3.53%
mediation 2.98%
recovery 2.31%
reform 2.17%
aid 1.39%
team 1.35%
cleanup 1.09%
cleanup + n. >>共 138
effort 11.76%
hitter 10.51%
crew 8.20%
operation 6.46%
cost 5.69%
work 5.30%
spot 4.73%
program 3.28%
plan 3.28%
worker 2.31%
每页显示:    共 121