61.   He said Yusop could have claimed more victims if he had not been arrested.

62.   Hypothermia and frostbite, however, claimed numerous victims.

63.   Israeli scientists say they have found the gene that triggers a debilitating muscle disease that has claimed victims in the Middle East, the United States and India.

64.   Mafia feuds may have claimed other victims, investigators speculate.

65.   Meanwhile, the contraction of regional financial markets claimed more victims.

66.   Others are inhabited but filled with landmines that claim victims daily.

67.   Religious and ethnic violence claimed another victim Tuesday even as Pakistani legislators are drafting a law that would give the government sweeping new powers to curb the killings.

68.   Russian forces rained artillery shells on rebel strongholds in western Chechnya Tuesday, while clashes throughout the breakaway republic claimed victims on both sides.

69.   Shelling and sniper fire have claimed civilian victims in the city itself.

70.   Sniper fire also claimed new victims.

v. + victim >>共 733
identify 7.49%
help 5.71%
kill 4.11%
treat 3.47%
compensate 2.79%
take 2.66%
shoot 2.53%
bury 2.42%
find 2.37%
claim 2.10%
claim + n. >>共 531
responsibility 36.18%
victory 5.67%
life 3.63%
sovereignty 2.41%
credit 2.35%
attack 2.30%
success 1.26%
island 1.15%
right 1.14%
victim 1.10%
每页显示:    共 131