61.   In mid-December, as prosecutors tried to prove Estrada owned the multimillion-dollar Velarde account, Dichaves sent the tribunal a letter claiming ownership.

62.   In the past the Islamic Trust, or Waqf, that administers Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem and the West Bank, has claimed ownership of the plot.

63.   Its territorial ownership has been claimed by both for centuries.

64.   Japan claims the ownership of the southern Kurils.

65.   Local residents falsely claimed ownership of the land so they could seek compensation if the companies mined for coal, Antara reported.

66.   No one has claimed ownership of the vessel or the weapons.

67.   One of his heirs, New York Times columnist Rita Reif, has claimed ownership of the painting.

68.   Russia seized four of the Kurils from Japan at the end of World War II and both countries continue to claim ownership over the islands.

69.   Serb rebels flaunted their stranglehold of the Bosnian capital Wednesday, bluntly claiming ownership of Sarajevo airport and forcing a U.N. plane to turn back.

70.   Some of them criticized the Jewish state for not returning the Golan Heights to Syria and for claiming ownership of Jerusalem.

v. + ownership >>共 281
claim 6.60%
retain 6.10%
dispute 4.83%
take 3.83%
transfer 3.62%
have 2.77%
share 2.70%
limit 2.27%
change 2.20%
allow 2.20%
claim + n. >>共 531
responsibility 36.18%
victory 5.67%
life 3.63%
sovereignty 2.41%
credit 2.35%
attack 2.30%
success 1.26%
island 1.15%
right 1.14%
victim 1.10%
ownership 0.78%
每页显示:    共 92