61.   The DFLP claimed the attack.

62.   The Irish Republican Army ended its cease-fire in February by bombing London but so far has not claimed any attacks in Northern Ireland itself.

63.   The government claimed UNITA attacks in the north and east.

64.   The first two attacks were claimed by a splinter group linked to Iparretarrak, a French Basque nationalist organization that has staged bombings against government buildings in the region.

65.   The gang mutilated the bodies before leaving, and they left behind a note claiming the attack for the Armed Islamic Group, known by its French initials GIA.

66.   The gang mutilated the bodies before leaving, and they left behind a note, also claiming the attack for the Armed Islamic Group.

67.   The group that claimed responsibility for the bombing has also claimed shooting attacks in the West Bank during the Israeli-Palestinian violence in past months.

68.   The GIA claimed attacks in France to pressure Paris to halt its support of the Algiers government of President Liamine Zeroual.

69.   The group regularly uses car bombs and then claims its attacks in statements to pro-Basque independence media several weeks later.

70.   The group usually does not claim attacks until several weeks afterward, and then does so through statements in a militant Basque newspaper.

v. + attack >>共 478
launch 8.81%
prevent 4.71%
condemn 4.68%
carry 4.29%
follow 3.85%
plan 3.70%
stop 3.24%
blame 2.73%
stage 2.39%
report 1.79%
claim 1.68%
claim + n. >>共 531
responsibility 36.18%
victory 5.67%
life 3.63%
sovereignty 2.41%
credit 2.35%
attack 2.30%
success 1.26%
island 1.15%
right 1.14%
victim 1.10%
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