61.   But they also found that walker children tended to begin catching up to their no-walker contemporaries after they began crawling and were no longer confined to walkers.

62.   Children with eczema tend to have a leaky gut, where germs can seep out and travel through the body, he said.

63.   Children tend to have strange and creative imaginations and sometimes they tends to run wild and overboard especially when the children are in the dark.

64.   Doctors said the fact that the girl was small may have saved her life because young children tend to cool so quickly that their organs and blood are preserved.

65.   Inside the orphanage, the children tend a vegetable garden and raise chickens and ducks.

66.   It is just that parents here are more fearful of letting their children do anything freely, therefore children tend not to learn how to be independent.

67.   Now, even children tend to watch MTV instead of traditional performances aired on television.

68.   The children tended to stay with the family, creating an extended family group that spanned several generations.

69.   In the northern region of Borgou, children tend to be employed full time by their own parents in cotton plantations.

70.   She said the children tended to be abused after they had asked for cigarettes, drugs, a crust of bread or for a roof over their heads.

n. + tend >>共 2049
people 5.15%
woman 2.15%
company 1.61%
investor 1.49%
rate 1.48%
man 1.12%
price 0.96%
stock 0.89%
child 0.84%
fund 0.78%
child + v. >>共 664
be 21.23%
have 5.73%
die 2.28%
learn 2.19%
play 2.12%
go 2.02%
get 1.90%
need 1.57%
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live 1.16%
tend 0.31%
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