61.   That judge refused a huge bribe to dismiss the charges against the wealthy defendant.

62.   The investigation of the charges against the mayor was slapdash and not very thorough.

63.   The charges against him were never proved in court.

64.   The charges against him are obviously absurd.

65.   Made a flat rejection of the charges against him.

66.   The panel decided to investigate the fraud charges against the company, which has always been reticent about its internal operations.

67.   The company brought criminal charges against her.

68.   Sinowatz had brought libel charges against the journalist concerned, and denied the allegation in court.

69.   In addition, all charges against self-confessed drug traffickers would in future be heard by the same judge.

70.   Treason charges against former politburo members Mielke, Gnter Mittag and Joachim Herrmann would also be dropped.

n. + against >>共 787
charge 4.54%
action 3.46%
game 3.28%
sanction 2.93%
case 2.74%
campaign 2.72%
attack 2.67%
fight 2.46%
war 1.99%
match 1.82%
charge + p. >>共 71
against 43.64%
in 17.06%
for 10.22%
on 3.81%
by 3.41%
to 2.93%
at 2.37%
from 2.17%
as 1.87%
after 1.69%
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