61.   I could really see the change with Bernie.

62.   However, the criteria would remain the same and would, in fact, be more difficult to change with the force of Congress behind it.

63.   If parents want to move their children out of the Washington area or otherwise alter the norm, she said, they must communicate those changes with authority.

64.   If Cubans are needy, it is because their non-elected leader is too stubborn, too proud and too arrogant to change with the times.

65.   I read that it provided color, fragrance and seasonal change with scented white flowers in late June and wine red to scarlet foliage in the fall.

66.   In retort, Labastida claims his candidacy represents change with a purpose -- a jab at Fox, who can be quite unpredictable.

67.   In the course of studying how brain function changes with age, a Japanese scientist has made a discovery that is truly worth toasting.

68.   Interest rate swaps are used to switch an obligation to pay a fixed interest rate into an obligation to pay a rate that changes with money market rates.

69.   It is an archetype, an image radiant with meaning, although the meaning changes with context.

70.   It also demonstrates that the true success of the company has been to recognize the need to change with the times.

n. + with >>共 1340
talk 3.47%
meeting 2.27%
agreement 1.58%
relationship 1.23%
interview 1.19%
tie 1.19%
people 1.14%
contact 1.13%
game 1.03%
deal 1.01%
change 0.04%
change + p. >>共 70
in 64.89%
to 11.59%
from 4.12%
for 3.31%
at 3.14%
on 2.00%
as 1.22%
with 1.02%
by 0.99%
after 0.76%
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