61.   The combination of these and other events cast a pall over gene therapy, prompting an outcry for more public disclosure to the National Institutes of Health.

62.   The death toll was the highest in weeks, casting a pall over diplomatic efforts to stop the bloodshed and renew peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

63.   The drug charges left the club scene reeling, and an even deeper pall was cast by a murder case that became a gruesome sidelight to the Gatien affair.

64.   The Durocher Bertin murder cast a pall on what was otherwise a day of celebration.

65.   The death cast a pall on the Rose Hill campus, where weekend homecoming festivities were canceled.

66.   The financial crisis in Mexico that began last December cast a pall over all emerging markets, dragging down many of the stocks.

67.   The disappointing news from Veritas, which sells data storage software, cast a pall over other software companies, especially its competitors.

68.   The Earnhardt fatality cast a pall on everything but the bottom line.

69.   The fires have also forced the evacuation of thousands of people in Daytona Beach and the surrounding area, and cast a pall of smoke over thousands of acres.

70.   The instability of North Korea has cast a pall over business in the region, roiling investors and financial markets.

v. + pall >>共 10
cast 92.40%
send 2.34%
raise 1.17%
create 0.58%
have 0.58%
produce 0.58%
see 0.58%
sense 0.58%
thicken 0.58%
throw 0.58%
cast + n. >>共 571
ballot 25.52%
vote 15.37%
doubt 14.11%
shadow 7.40%
pall 3.02%
spell 1.80%
eye 1.62%
cloud 1.34%
lot 1.30%
light 1.28%
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