61.   Several international human rights groups supported Gorriti, and his case attracted widespread attention in Panama and abroad.

62.   Sarkuhi acknowledged that his case had attracted much attention and explained that he was afraid of the repercussions if he returned to Iran.

63.   The case attracted intense media coverage, and some witnesses admitted in court that they had been approached by newspapers.

64.   The case attracted much attention given that the Basque regional police, the Ertzaintza, is regularly involved in clashes with supporters of the Basque independence movement.

65.   The case attracted the attention of U.S. Representatives Charles Schumer and Jerrold Nadler, who pressed the INS to speed the visa approval process.

66.   The case has attracted a wide audience.

67.   The case has attracted attention because police suspect that Lowe was hacked to death and his body parts dumped in the sea in plastic garbage bags.

68.   The case has attracted high-powered lawyers and lobbyists including Kenneth Starr, the former independent counsel who investigated President Clinton, now representing a group of Microsoft competitors.

69.   The case has attracted much public attention in the Philippines.

70.   The case has attracted wide attention in Britain, and newspapers have focused on the Saudi practice of executing murderers by public beheading.

n. + attract >>共 1237
case 3.34%
company 2.01%
event 2.01%
show 1.27%
issue 0.90%
fund 0.84%
rate 0.84%
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yield 0.77%
opposite 0.77%
case + v. >>共 490
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involve 3.89%
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pend 2.09%
come 2.05%
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