61.   The Gore campaign made clear that, in addition to existing legal challenges, the Republicans could expect a formal contest to the election.

62.   The Gore campaign made no claims to good fortune.

63.   The Kerry campaign had made literally hundreds of phone calls and pored through Naval archives to track the men down for this reunion.

64.   The McCain campaign has made no decision about how much time and money to spend in Georgia.

65.   The promotional campaign makes it seem like one long drunken orgy.

66.   The U.S.-led bombing campaign has made communications between moneychangers difficult, but they have never let the battle lines interfere with commerce.

67.   The Virginia campaign thus made the point that, despite a bias towards Republicanism, elections there remain largely nonpartisan friends-and-neighbors affairs.

68.   The volunteerism campaign made a good fit, he said.

69.   This campaign made careers.

70.   This week the Bush campaign made light of a Washington Post reporter who dared bring up the hard-line white supremacist past of its ally Strom Thurmond.

n. + make >>共 1472
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people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
campaign 0.15%
campaign + v. >>共 1078
be 18.43%
begin 4.00%
have 3.84%
say 2.54%
take 1.75%
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go 1.29%
include 1.18%
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start 1.04%
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