61.   The shortage of real political debate in the campaign was evident at a meeting one night this week at the Amari refugee camp near Ramallah.

62.   The two set up camp near her to learn her language and unravel her mystery.

63.   There were also problems in finding transportation for refugees from a transit camp near the border to more remote parts of the country, U.N. officials said.

64.   Their sad lives intersected at Brazda refugee camp near the Yugoslavian border after a terrifying flight from the mayhem in Kosovo.

65.   There they met PKK members who brought them and the relatives to a camp near the Iraqi town of Amadiya.

66.   There were renewed calls on Thursday to close a refugee camp near the entrance to the Channel tunnel.

67.   They lived there for two years in United Nations refugee camps near the border along with a million other Hutu refugees.

68.   We say the prayer I said when I was Yahzee, trailing after my mother into the cold morning air of our sheep camp near the Grand Canyon.

69.   Yet the dancers persisted, both in Phnom Penh and in refugee camps near the Thai border, where dancing was as important as scrounging for enough to eat.

70.   Women in a camp near Khartoum that was part of a recent tour that the U.S. hoped points to changes in Sudan.

n. + near >>共 1086
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camp + p. >>共 86
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for 9.94%
of 6.73%
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