61.   Meanwhile in Jerusalem, the Israeli cabinet formally approved the treaty on Sunday following ratification in the Knesset or parliament on the eve of the signing ceremony.

62.   Mitsuzuka was speaking at a news conference two days after the cabinet approved the budget for the new fiscal year starting in April.

63.   On Wednesday, the cabinet approved a ministry proposal for foreign and Taiwanese vessels registered abroad to travel directly between Taiwan and China without unloading mainland goods here.

64.   Should the cabinet approve the white paper, legislation giving effect to the recommendations will then be drafted for adoption by parliament.

65.   Takemura, the head of the New Party Sakigake, will attend the rally if the overseas trip is approved by the cabinet, the secretary said.

66.   The Bahraini cabinet also approved in February the plan for municipal elections.

67.   The Bangladesh cabinet has approved a proposal to waive taxes on industrial investment, according to a government statement published in major newspapers here Tuesday.

68.   The cabinet approved the law Wednesday night, but did not ratify a second text on an electoral code for the municipal elections, the source said without explanation.

69.   The cabinet formally approved the plan Friday following agreement by the ruling coalition late Thursday.

70.   The cabinet has approved a state secret protection bill to deter leaks of confidential information which might endanger the island.

n. + approve >>共 463
parliament 10.55%
government 8.75%
voter 6.19%
shareholder 5.03%
committee 4.41%
board 4.29%
lawmaker 3.43%
regulator 2.92%
judge 2.31%
council 2.11%
cabinet 1.83%
cabinet + v. >>共 221
be 13.91%
approve 10.56%
decide 5.96%
meet 4.81%
have 4.50%
hold 2.51%
resign 2.41%
say 2.30%
include 2.20%
discuss 1.88%
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