61.   Did the corps members build bridges across that divide?

62.   Even in an age of high-strength steel and supercomputers, building bridges remains an act of courage.

63.   For the next seven weeks, Brew would struggle to build a bridge between the two.

64.   For Giuliani has shown little interest in the behind-the-scenes compromises, loyalties and courtesies by which other elected officials play politics and build bridges.

65.   Franklin continues to knock down walls and build bridges between diverse ethnic backgrounds and musical styles.

66.   He has also built real bridges from the stage over the orchestra pit into the audience.

67.   He has worked to build bridges with Washington Mayor Marion Barry and reminded his GOP colleagues of their error in opposing the Civil Rights Act.

68.   He favors building bridges between Wall Street and poor whites and blacks.

69.   He supervises troops that are repairing roads, building bridges, digging wells, providing medical care and delivering food and clothing.

70.   He said he had sought to build bridges to the younger entrepreneurs, even introducing some to executives or venture capitalists in the United States.

v. + bridge >>共 305
build 15.61%
cross 10.45%
destroy 5.66%
damage 3.08%
close 2.97%
play 2.64%
burn 2.58%
hit 2.47%
use 2.09%
rebuild 2.09%
build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
plant 2.64%
home 2.24%
support 1.45%
bridge 1.41%
stadium 1.41%
case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
每页显示:    共 282