61.   If Slobodan Milosevic can be brought to trial before such a court, so can Osama bin Laden.

62.   In any case, it is important to bring before the public this conflict of how Israelis see their issues of security and justice.

63.   In March, the McCain-Feingold Bill, which addresses the problem of financing political parties, will be brought before Congress.

64.   In that one hour, they saw eight youths brought before the judge.

65.   Innovations are being brought forth before their potential effects on the common good or even their very details are fully understood.

66.   In the end, Attorney General John Ashcroft accepted the recommendation of his department to bring Moussaoui before a federal criminal court.

67.   Instead, the folks with a grievance will be brought before their student leaders, who will help them negotiate their disagreement with words rather than fists.

68.   It acknowledges, to begin with, no constitutional limitation on our power to vacate lower court orders properly brought before us.

69.   It was only after a weekend of parliamentarian maneuvering that the measure was brought before the convention and ratified.

70.   It will not deal with those accused of the most serious crimes, who will be brought before the courts.

v. + before >>共 965
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