61.   Gunderson, who closed the book deal with Dutton Signet before the House changed its rules about advances, has signed his share of royalties over to Morris.

62.   Gingrich bristles at any comparison between his book deal and the one that caused Wright such turmoil.

63.   Gingrich had caught and destroyed Wright for a book deal that violated House ethics rules.

64.   Gingrich has acknowledged that he met with Murdoch and a Fox lobbyist while the book deal was being discussed and that the NBC challenge was mentioned.

65.   Gingrich met privately with Murdoch shortly before the book deal was made public.

66.   He also just concluded an agreement with Hollywood Pictures, and is working on a book deal, too.

67.   He also said his campaign to oust former House Speaker Jim Wright for a questionable book deal was completely different.

68.   He also indicated that his client needs the tapes for a possible book deal.

69.   He has hired an agent and signed a book deal.

70.   He has a book deal.

n. + deal >>共 498
peace 17.40%
business 4.33%
trade 3.84%
one-year 2.33%
book 2.20%
budget 2.19%
three-year 1.89%
arm 1.87%
two-year 1.73%
land 1.62%
book + n. >>共 615
deal 6.18%
tour 6.04%
publisher 4.40%
publishing 3.58%
store 3.50%
sale 3.06%
review 2.84%
contract 2.41%
signings 1.83%
form 1.75%
每页显示:    共 225