61.   Kabbah, who went into exile after Koroma took over in a bloody coup last May, is expected to return next week to Freetown.

62.   Last July, he launched a bloody coup deposing his elected co-premier, Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

63.   Koroma seized power in a bloody coup last year that sent Kabbah into exile in neighboring Guinea.

64.   Koroma staged a bloody coup last May, which drove Kabbah into exile in neighboring Guinea.

65.   Koroma, who took power in a bloody coup last May, fled from the capital shortly before the Nigerian-led force reinstalled Kabbah in March.

66.   Last July, Prime Minister Hun Sen ousted Prince Norodom Ranariddh as his co-premier in a bloody coup.

67.   Lt. Col. Johnny Paul Koroma, who now heads the junta, ousted Kabbah in a bloody coup in May.

68.   Mainassara said he toppled Mahamane Ousmane in a bloody coup to end the stalemate in the National Assembly, where opposition parties had refused to work with Ousmane.

69.   Leader Hun Sen and the new co-premier he installed after a bloody coup announced a strategy Tuesday to bring back stability to Cambodia ahead of elections next year.

70.   Lt. Col. Johnny Paul Koroma ousted Kabbah in a bloody May coup.

a. + coup >>共 288
military 22.18%
failed 9.02%
attempted 7.83%
bloody 5.28%
alleged 4.93%
bloodless 3.39%
major 3.21%
abortive 2.68%
former 2.07%
diplomatic 1.89%
bloody + n. >>共 831
coup 3.62%
glove 3.14%
clash 3.02%
conflict 2.99%
battle 2.96%
attack 2.93%
nose 2.84%
diarrhea 2.72%
war 2.32%
campaign 1.90%
每页显示:    共 119